The following questions are the ones that come to my mind when I think of the Abraham stories that are contained in chapters 12 through 25. If you see other questions that should be address, please feel free to add them in comments.
Genesis 12 [Beginning of Abraham story – through 25]
• What importance do you see in the story of Abraham’s journey to Egypt?
• Quakers saw Abraham as the first of three key players in the redemption story [to be followed by Moses and Jesus]. Why do you think they saw him as so important?
Genesis 13
• Who is Melchizedek and what is his importance?
Genesis 14
• What is God’s promise or covenant with Abraham? What is the irony in this promise to this point?
Genesis 16
• What do you think of Sarai’s role here, and what are the consequences of it?
• What is God’s response to Sarai’s plan for making the original promise to Abram come true?
• How does God deal with Hagar?
Genesis 17
• What is different in this telling of the covenant promised by God with the ones in chapters 12 and 15?
• What is the significance of the circumcision of Abraham and Ishmael?
Genesis 18
• What is the nature of this visitation by the three strangers? Why does the story make it so confusing who is speaking to Abraham?
• Why does Sarah laugh when she hears what they promise?
• What is the importance of Abraham’s intercession for some of those who live in Sodom? Compare him a little here with Noah.
• Would you describe the God of this narrative as “omniscient” or “omnipotent”?
Genesis 19
• The story in this chapter is often cited as one of those passages that prove God condemns homosexuality, and is the foundation of the term “sodomy” – what are your thoughts?
Genesis 20
• This chapter is a “doublet” or repetition of what happens in chapter 12, but it involves the King of Gerar [south of Gaza] and not the king of Egypt. What are your thoughts on what these stories teach?
Genesis 21
• The name Isaac means “God smiled” – why do you think he was named this?
• There are some repetitions in this chapter as well – can you identify some inconsistencies with earlier parts of the narrative?
Genesis 22
• Moriah is said to be where the city of Jerusalem would later be built. What is the significance of this fact and of the story generally?
o How could Abraham reconcile this demand from God with the promise God has made on several occasions?
• The language in the story – where Abraham tells Isaac that “God himself will provide the lamb. . .” was seen by Christians as prophetic. What are your thoughts?
Genesis 23
• What is the importance of Abraham’s insistence that he pay for the burial site for Sarah?
Genesis 24
• How does Abraham find a wife for Isaac?
Genesis 25
• Well over 120, Abraham marries again, but where is he buried when he dies?
• How many children does Ishmael have?
• What aspects of the story about Rebecca do you find interesting and important?
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